
Parish Evacuation

Enter your address to find your evacuation zone.

Create a Family Disaster Plan

Decide now where you will go in the event of a hurricane. Learn the evacuation routes and procedures, make a survival kit, and make provisions for pets and family members with special needs. For a comprehensive checklist of items to bring along, see our Hurricane Guide.

State Emergency Systems

Map of Evacuation Zones

Residents should monitor their local EAS station for authoritative evacuation and shelter information. Evacuation route signs (shown left) are located on all parish and state roads that have been designated as major evacuation routes. The lower sign indicates the EAS radio station to monitor for the area of the state through which you are traveling. The EAS radio station will broadcast the latest weather reports, road conditions, and shelter locations. In addition, information (date, time, and locations) will be announced. As the storm gets closer to the risk area, information will be issued every two hours. State Emergency Broadcasting System information is broadcast on the following stations: